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TalkSports Adrian Durham Baits Arsenal Fans Again with his Laughable Defamation of Dennis Bergkamp

Adrian Durham, Bergkamp

About three times per season, the loathsome attention seeking presenter, Adrian Durham, undertakes his favourite past time. Baiting Arsenal supporters.

The Simon Cowell of sports radio, who looks like a slightly podgy version of the late Phillip Seymour Hoffman, has cut a niche as an outspoken journalist/commentator in his lifeless career, but it appears he enjoys nothing more than goading Gunners.

Adrian Durham, the egg brained presenter, has regularly tried to increase his audience by riling Arsenal fans on topics such as the Invincibles by claiming:

“This title-winning side were officially hailed as the best ever Premier League team, but that is an absolute joke. In fact, it’s an insult to those who were better.”

He added:

“It’s hard to criticise going unbeaten in a season (and I won’t mention Pires’ dive for the equaliser against Pompey early in the season), but defeats in the FA Cup by Manchester United and in the Carling Cup by Middlesbrough (Toure, Parlour, Keown, Edu, Gilberto Silva, Ashley Cole, Reyes and Vieira all played a significant part over the two legs, so Wenger didn’t ‘play the kids’) actually mean Arsenal were not totally unbeatable that season.”

“They also lost to Chelsea in the Champions League, so the ‘Invincibles’ lost to three Premier League sides. They weren’t invincible.”

Adrian Durham was at it again last season when he claimed that Tottenham’s Eriksen was the type of player Mesut Ozil could only dream of being:

“I’m not particularly interested in stats, for me it’s just the way they play, what they give to the team, the impact they have. And as I’ve always said, Christian Eriksen is the player Mesut Ozil dreams of being. It’s a no brainer. The impact Eriksen has had at Tottenham is far great than the impact Ozil has had at Arsenal.”

You have to hand it to him, he aims low, about sewer level and will try anything to get calls or texts.

Yet, perhaps he was saving his best for this season when he failed to include Dennis Bergkamp in his top five Dutch players of all time in the Premier League.

His top five included van Dijk, Stam, van Nistelrooy, van der Sar and Robben. All great in their own right but no Bergkamp?

Calm yourselves, he does it on purpose and tries to apply facts when it suits and of Arsenal’s best ever number 10, Adrian Durham said:

“If [Bergkamp] was that good, why didn’t he win the Premier League? Why didn’t he win back-to-back Premier League titles? He never scored 20 goals in a season for Arsenal, and he was there for over 10 years. That’s not good!”

He then went even lower questioning the players decision not to fly and when the Invincible’s were mentioned, he went back to his previous comments of them being beaten by Chelsea, Middlesbrough and Manchester United.

Yawn !

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Undeterred, the presenter trudged through his shit fest of illogical comments by referring to any adulation given to the Dutchman as part of ‘The Bergkamp Myth’:

“Martin (Keown) talked about a goal against Newcastle and a hat trick against Leicester and then the memories dried up. That was it”

The statement from Durham drew a withering response from Cesc Fabregas:

“Is this guy serious? Lost the plot big time there. If you don’t think Bergkamp was that good, then you don’t understand this sport at all.”

Martin Keown joined in by adding:

“Who are we believing… One of the greatest midfielders of his generation or (you’ll probably need to google him) Adrian Durham”.

Adrian Durham managed to flush out those two big names for his show and despite the response from well meaning Bergkamp supporters, it is of no avail.

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Simply put, a dog defecates on the pavement as part of its nature or out of necessity, not because it really wants to, this is also true of the TalkSPORTS host who trebles his audience whenever he slates Arsenal.

However, it was left to an ordinary mortal to deal with the disrespectful mouthpiece of unreasonable radio.
Marc Salter said on Twitter of Adrian Durham:

“He’s the lowest calibre of broadcaster. Terrible at his job. He lives on controversial and empty comments to try and stir interest and gain viewers.”

Amen to that Sir.

Stay Tuned to know more!

The Highbury Flyer
Anti Kroenke , anti Gazidis but always a gooner. Still wishes he could watch from the stands at the Highbury library.

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